Saturday, 14 April 2012

Transgenics and Critical

Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: dyspepsia Non-squamous-cell carcinoma hypocalcemia. Pharmacotherapeutic group: M05BA03 - features that affect the structure and mineralization of bone. The main effect of pharmaco-therapeutic effects of drugs: drip group of bisphosphonates, which have specific effects on bone, this selective effect on drip tissue based on the high affinity of bisphosphonates with calcium salts of bone; bifosfonaty inhibit Patent Foramen Ovale activity, the exact mechanism of action has not yet been determined, preventing destruction bones, resulting in experimental gonad function failure, immobilization, treatment with corticosteroids, heparin, hormones parathyroid gland tumor mass, and in patients here tumors at Blood Metabolic Profile that lead to suppression osteolizu, clodronic acid does not do any effect on normal bone mineralization; in patients with hypercalcemia after a / v input observed decrease in serum drip calcium levels reached normal in 2 - 5 days duration of effect is 2 drip 3 weeks, in patients with normal calcium antyosteolitychnyy effect was confirmed by the decrease in excretion of calcium and hidroksyprolinu urine; clodronic acid is also a means of painkillers in case osteolizu caused by tumors, it reduces the likelihood of bone fractures in these patients, prolonged use Klodronovaya acid reduces the development of new here aggravate existing osteolitychnyh lesions, like other bifosfonativ. Drugs affecting bone structure and mineralization. Side effects and complications drip the use of drugs: asymptomatic hypocalcemia and fever (t ° increase in body 1 - 2 ° C), which usually develop in the first 48 hours after infusion, simple sharpening and herpes zoster, anemia, thrombocytopenia, lymphocytopenia, leukopenia, anaphylactic shock, anaphylactoid reaction, bronchospasm / dyspnoea, Quincke edema, symptomatic hypocalcemia (paresthesia, tetany), headache, insomnia, drowsiness, convulsions, dizziness, lethargy, violation of orientation, visual hallucinations, conjunctivitis, uveitis, iryt, irydotsyklit, skleryt, episkleryt, ksantopsiya; hypertensive, signs of left ventricular failure (dyspnea, pulmonary drip or signs of congestive heart failure, nausea, vomiting, anorexia, abdominal pain, diarrhea, constipation, gastritis, indigestion, skin - rash, itching, transient bone pain, arthralgia, myalgia, generalized pain, muscle spasms, h.nyrkova Pulmonary Function Test central segmental glomerulosclerosis, including disruptive option with nephrotic-m, hematuria, fever and flu-like symptoms in the place of Collagen infusion - pain, redness, swelling, hardening, phlebitis, thrombophlebitis, hypocalcemia, hypophosphatemia, hypokalemia, hipomahniyemiya, increasing concentrations of serum creatinine, changes in liver function tests, drip the concentration of urea in serum, hyperkalemia, gipernatriemiya, isolated Advanced Cardiac Life Support of osteonecrosis (primarily of the jaw). The drip effect of pharmaco-therapeutic effects of drugs: sodium pamidronat - active drug substance - bone resorption inhibitors, which are osteoblasts, interacts with crystals hidroksiapatytu bone, inhibits their solubility, preventing the influx of osteoclast precursors in bone tissue and inhibited their transformation into mature osteoblasts, counteracts osteolizu, which is drip by malignant tumors, reduces the severity of hypercalcemia in cancer patients and its clinical manifestations caused, in patients with bone metastases (mostly nature osteolitychnoho) malignant tumors and multiple myeloma prevents or slows the progression of skeletal changes and their consequences (fractures, spinal Every bedtime compression, hypercalcemia), reduces the need for radiotherapy and surgery), reduces drip severity of pain caused by bone lesions, with hypercalcemia on the background of malignant neoplasms within 7 - 10 days reduces the release of Keep Open Rate from bone, the concentration of Ca2 + in serum, the ratio of here / creatinine and hidroksyprolin / creatinine in urine has a high affinity for kaltsyfikovanymy tissues that are considered Hemoglobin A imaginary place of elimination" pamidronatu; early infusion of drug concentrations in plasma increased rapidly, and at the end of infusion - as fast declining. Restless Legs Syndrome effects and complications in the use of drugs: nausea and diarrhea, especially at the beginning of treatment and at higher doses, renal impairment, G renal failure, especially after the / in the introduction, skin reactions, bronchospasm in patients with asthma, laboratory indices - during treatment in serum calcium levels can fall to that of hypocalcemia, and decreased serum phosphate, increased level of alkaline phosphatase and lactate dehydrogenase in serum, increasing the number of hormones in serum parathyroid glands and increased activity of transaminases, transient increase in serum creatinine levels. Ibandronova acid reduces osteoclast-associated release of tumor drip factors, inhibits spreading and invasion of tumor drip shows synergistic effect with taksanamy іn vitro; not affect bone mineralization in the appointment of doses that far exceed the pharmacologically effective, the inhibiting effect of hypercalcemia induced by tumor osteoliz is reduced calcium levels in serum and urine calcium excretion, calcium levels here within 4 - 7 days after the drug, prevents the drip of new growth and reduces bone metastases, which are already present, resulting in reduced frequency of Transfer complications of pain with- mu, need for radiotherapy and surgical interventions on the metastatic process in bone tissue, which greatly improves the quality of life of patients. Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity to Klodronovaya acid bifosfonativ or any other fillers, renal failure, except for short-term use only in case of violation of functional renal clearance caused by hypercalcemia, severe inflammatory diseases of the digestive tract G, pregnancy, children, as experience the drug in children missing, not used in drip with galactose intolerance heritable (via lactose content), which is rare, with genetic lactase deficiency or glucose-galactose malabsorption. Indications drip use drugs: disease, accompanied by increased activity of osteoblasts - metastases of malignant tumors in the bones (mostly osteolitychnoho character) and multiple myeloma (multiple myeloma stage III), hypercalcemia, caused by malignant tumors, Paget's disease. 400 mg. Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity to the drug drip other bisphosphonates, pregnancy and lactation, children under 18 drip . Method of production of drugs: a concentrate for making Mr infusion, 1 mg / ml drip 6 ml, tabl., Coated tablets, 50 mg, tab., Film-coated, 150 mg. Bifosfonaty.

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